Accessing Date Units in a Period – Date and Time

Accessing Date Units in a Period

The Period class provides the obvious getXXX() methods to read the values of date units of a Period object, where XXX can be Years, Months, or Days.

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Period period5 = Period.of(2, 4, -10);
System.out.println(“Period: ” + period5);             // Period: P2Y4M-10D
System.out.println(“Years:  ” + period5.getYears());  // Years:  2
System.out.println(“Months: ” + period5.getMonths()); // Months: 4
System.out.println(“Days:   ” + period5.getDays());   // Days:   -10

Reading the value of date units of a Project object can also be achieved using the get(unit) method, where only the date units shown in the code below are allowed. A list of these valid temporal units can be obtained by calling the getUnits() method of the Period class.

The class also has methods to check if any date unit of a period has a negative value or if all date units of a period have the value zero.

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System.out.println(“Years:  ” + period5.get(ChronoUnit.YEARS)); // Years:  2
System.out.println(“Months: ” + period5.get(ChronoUnit.MONTHS));// Months: 4
System.out.println(“Days:   ” + period5.get(ChronoUnit.DAYS));  // Days: -10
List<TemporalUnit> supportedUnits = period5.getUnits(); // [Years, Months, Days]
System.out.println(“Total months: ” + period5.toTotalMonths()); // 28 months
System.out.println(period5.isNegative());                       // true
System.out.println(period5.isZero());                           // false

The class Period provides the method toTotalMonths() to derive the total number of months in a period. However, this calculation is solely based on the number of years and months in the period; the number of days is not considered. A Period just represents an amount of time, so it has no notion of a date. Conversion between months and years is not a problem, as 1 year is 12 months. However, conversion between the number of days and the other date units is problematic. The number of days in a year and in a month are very much dependent on whether the year is a leap year and on a particular month in the year, respectively. A Period is oblivious to both the year and the month in the year, as it represents an amount of time and not a point on the timeline.

int getYears()
int getMonths()
int getDays()

Return the value of a specific date unit of this period, indicated by the name of the method.

long get(TemporalUnit unit)

Returns the value of the specified unit in this Period. The only supported date ChronoUnits are YEARS, MONTHS, and DAYS (p. 1044). All other units throw an exception.

List<TemporalUnit> getUnits()

Returns the list of date units supported by this period: YEARS, MONTHS, and DAYS (p. 1044). These date units can be used in the get(TemporalUnit) method.

long toTotalMonths()

Returns the total number of months in this period, based on the values of the years and months units. The value of the days unit is not considered.

boolean isNegative()

Determines whether the value of any date units of this period is negative.

boolean isZero()

Determines whether the values of all date units of this period are zero.